Effect of Noise on Hearing

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About Hearing  > Effect of Noise on Hearing 

Effect of noise on hearing

Noise-related hearing loss is a major problem within the industrial sector throughout Australia. Imagine spending 40 or more years of your career operating a pneumatic drill or working around loud machinery. It’s bound to have an effect. 

Noise exposure of this level causes permanent hearing loss by killing the tiny hairs within the ear. Although you can still hear, clarity of speech becomes poor, causing everything to sound muffled and distorted. This makes simple conversations in areas with background noise extremely difficult.

Everyone’s hearing sensitivity is different, so it’s impossible to define an exact level of hearing that causes damage. However, any level of excessive noise is going to speed up the damage on your hearing. Problems that would usually occur at 50 years of age could occur 20 to 30 years earlier, depending on your environment.

At Hearing Matters, we have helped many people suffering from noise-related hearing loss due to loud workplace environments – including many successful compensation claims. This allows us to provide premium hearing devices that can restore the hearing you have lost, giving you back the freedom of communication.

High noise construction site
For more information about noise-related hearing loss, or to find out what we can do to restore your hearing, call our friendly team today on  1300 731 710.

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