Hearing Aid Styles

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hearing aid styles  in South Australia 

Hearing Products > Hearing Aid Styles

At Hearing Matters, we take the time to get to know your specific needs. With a vast range of models available, we can try a variety of different hearing aid styles in order to find the most suitable product for you.

Take a look at the different hearing aid styles available.

For more information about our excellent range of hearing aid styles, call our friendly team today on  1300 731 710.

Open fit behind-the-ear (BTE)

Open fit behind-the-ear
This is a cutting-edge style of behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing device, made possible by huge strides forward in digital and feedback cancellation technology. It’s an extremely popular hearing aid style because there is very little in the ear canal itself. This means that your own voice sounds natural and environmental sounds can travel straight to your eardrum, maximising your residual hearing for enhanced clarity. Sounds are channelled into the ear canal through a tiny tube attached to the behind-the-ear device. Suitable for everything from mild to severe hearing loss, the lightweight and discreet style makes it the perfect package.

Traditional behind-the-ear (BTE)

Traditional behind-the-ear
The traditional behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing system is worn behind the ear and attached to an ear mould that fits inside the ear canal. The clear and discreet style is suitable for all types of hearing loss and is incredibly easy to clean and maintain.

Custom in-the-ear (ITE) and in-the-canal (ITC)

If you’re looking for something that is completely tailored to your specific needs, our custom models are an excellent choice. Made to perfectly fit the shape of your ear canal, some of our devices are virtually invisible. These models are suitable for mild to severe hearing loss.

Complete in-canal (CIC)

Complete in-canal
This hearing aid style fits deeply into your ear canal, but may not have the same variety of features or amplification power as other styles. They may have automatic features or a remote control for ease of us, but are not suitable for all degrees of hearing loss. If you have narrow or bendy ear canal or have difficulty using your hands, a complete in-canal hearing aid may not be right for you. 

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