Prevent Hearing Loss

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Hearing loss prevention
in South Australia

About Hearing  > Prevent Hearing Loss 

Prevention is the best solution

At Hearing Matters, we believe that prevention is the best and most effective solution for hearing loss. If you’ve started to notice your hearing deteriorate, it doesn’t mean that all the damage is done. Your hearing can continue to get worse over time, so it’s important to seek treatment quickly and put measures in place to prevent any further damage.

If you work in a noisy environment and are likely to continue doing so for years to come, get in touch with our professional team today. We can offer you a quick and easy hearing assessment, and provide you with custom earplugs tailored to your ears and your environment.

Our custom earplugs can help to prevent any further damage to your hearing. Unlike basic hardware store earplugs, our custom earplugs let a full range of frequencies through, just at a lower volume. They’re comfortable and discreet to use, and you’ll probably soon forget you’re even wearing them.

Always remember: if your ears are ringing after work or a night working behind the bar, then some damage is likely to have been caused. Prevent further damage to your ears with our custom earplugs.

Wear ear protection to prevent hearing loss
For more information about hearing loss prevention, call our friendly team today on  1300 731 710.

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